Jonas Ridge Road Access Point (1.5 miles away)
Take a right onto US-221 N and go 0.5 miles
Turn right on Old Jonas Ridge Road (Vaughan’s Nursery sign) and go 1 mile to Blue Ridge Parkway.
Once there, make a left to go North or a right to go South
Google Maps Link: The Pineola to Jonas Ridge Access Point
Jonas Ridge Highway (181) Access Point (2 miles away)
Take a right onto US-221 N and go .3 miles
Turn right onto NC-181 S and go 1.7 miles
Across from “Mountain Boomer”, you will see the Blue Ridge Parkway - Jonas Ridge Highway Access Point - turn left here and follow the signs to the Parkway!
Google Maps Link: The Pineola to Jonas Ridge (181) Access Point
Beacon Heights Access Point (7 miles away) - Northeast
Take a right onto US-221 N and go 3.2 miles
Turn right to stay on US-221 N and go 3.7 miles
You will see the signs for the Blue Ridge Parkway and veer to the left to get onto it.
Google Maps Link: The Pineola to Beacon Heights Access Point
Linville Falls Access Point (7.3 miles away) - Southwest
Take a left onto US-221 S and go 7.3 miles
You will see the signs for the Blue Ridge Parkway and veer to the left to get onto it.
Google Maps Link: The Pineola to Linville Falls Access Point